Campaign in Progress

This timeline will only have more information if you vote for and elect me as your member for first years. I will make sure I update my progress on this section of the website so democracy is respected and I can be held accountable!


Election Day

20:35 pm: Defeated RON by 1,233 votes and have been elected SRC Member for First Years 2020-21. Thank you all for voting. Will start working on my plans next week.


Feedback Poll 1- Challenges of First Year

Learn More21/03/2020

Feedback Poll 2- Factors Influencing Society Choices

Learn More29/03/2020

Feedback Poll 3: On Information Failure for Freshers

Learn More29/03/2020

Elected as SRC Tertiary Officer on Executive Committee

The Executive Committee decides awards like John Honey and HLMS and coordinates the council policies!


Information Form: Societies

To elaborate on each society in the information booklet I plan to put together, I have sent out a form via the Society Officer to all the societies. The deadline for responses is the 10th of June,2020. After hopefully receiving answers from the 150+ societies, I will update the Society section of the website I am designing


Connecting freshers to the Schools

I have compiled the final list of links to the subject group chats. This can be accessed via the St Andrews Class of 2024 group or the @standrews2024 instagram 'Communication' highlight. I have also sent out an email to all current and future school presidents with a list of chat links in case they would like to introduce themselves or just to ensure that any questions freshers have related to their degree is well answered.


Moderator on FB Group

Tom Groves, Director of Events and Services (2020-21) and Mika Schemling, Outgoing DoES, arranged to appoint me as a moderator for the Class of 2024 Facebook Group. This was to help speed up acceptance of new members, post and pin any important announcements, and be more visible to the freshers in general.


Class of 2024 Subject Reps

I put together a group chat of 2 fresher volunteers from each subject (44 students in total). This is to ensure efficient communication and delivery of announcements to every group chat (Tedious for me to be a part of 24 different chats and send every new announcement across). They are also helping by forwarding any questions that come up in the chat so I can respond with answers


Instagram Takeover Schedule

After receiving responses on the form from about 125 subcommittees/ societies, 120 indicated interest in the Instagram takeover. I put together the following schedules and subsequently publicised them on the subject chats (via the reps) and Facebook groups. The schedule was initially ordered by Category but post July 15 sees a mix of societies who got in touch after release of the initial plan.

Learn More01/08/2020

Instagram Takeover Arrangements

Produced cover graphics for posts of over 150 societies that will takeover the account through July, August, and September. Click on Learn More for examples of a few. Also sent out login details and general guidelines. The takeover should help freshers connect with societies, understand what they do, ask any questions, and make efficient choices around their participation for September.

Learn More28/06/2020